Once again thanks to our awesome PTO for helping us welcome our 6th graders today!
6th graders came to visit SJHS today. It was loads of fun!
Can't wait for next year!
ThanK You SJHS PTO & Parents for treating us to a wonderful lunch! We appreciate you for cooking, for serving, and for your time. The meal was delicious, and we are thankful for it and for you!
Thank you SJHS PTO for treating our teachers and staff to lunch for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Malvern National Bank Art Exhibitor Austin Porterfield
Malvern National Bank Art Exhibitor Zach Adams
Malvern National Bank Art Exhibitor Peyton Bowden
Malvern National Bank Art Contest Winner
Callie Holman with her 4th place Floral
Malvern National Bank Art Contest Winner Kylie Crane with her 4th place Still LIfe
Malvern National Bank Art Contest Winner with Kaleb Rowell with his 3rd place landscape
Malvern National Bank Art Contest Winner Caleigh Hawley with her 2nd Place Landscape
Several SJHS students were recognized by Malvern National Bank for their outstanding art abilities. Carson Hardin is shown below with his 2nd place portrait.
First division ratings for SJHS Blue and Gold bands at the Music Festival at Magic Springs.
2016 Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Exhibitors
Kaitlynn Pumphrey--Honorable Mention, Austin Porterfield--3rd Place , Kyler Stuckey--Honorable Mention, & Terah Grimes-2nd Place.
Malvern National Bank Art Winners
Callie Holiman--4th in Floral, Caleigh Hawley--2nd in Landscape , Kaleb Rowell-- 3rd in Landscape, Carson Hardin--4th in Portrait, & Kylie Crane--4th in Still Life
Congrats to the 9th Grade Quiz Bowl team for receiving 3rd place in the Regional Quiz Bowl Tournament.
Congrats to the following SJHS students for placing 3rd in the state National History Day competition: Seth Alexander, Landon Berry, Clark Denney, Jacob Smith
Click the following link to access the parental involvement survey. http://goo.gl/forms/xAD0yhjlX2
Congratulations to Mrs. Olivia Lewis for being named as Arkansas's recipient of the James Madison Graduate Fellowship!
Congrats to these 7th Grade students. They will receive state recognition @ UALR for their qualifying ACT score for the Duke Talent Search.