Congratulations to Sherry Turbeville for being selected as the SHS Staff Member of the Week. Mrs. Turbeville always has a positive attitude and goes above and beyond for students, co-workers, and friends. SHS is lucky to have her. Way to go Mrs. Turbeville!
Congratulations to our latest Students of the Month selected by the History Department.
The SHS FACS classes have started their sewing unit and have started practicing their skills on paper. They will make a pot holder and pajama pants next.
Congratulations to Mrs. Lou Valance for being named the SHS Staff Member of the Week! Mrs. Valance is constantly looking out for her students and her coworkers. She is generous, hardworking, and goes above and beyond for others. We appreciate all she does for us!
SHS Juniors will take the state ACT on Feb 28. For this, they must have parental consent to register/use the ACT website to send scores to colleges. Paper copies of the form were handed out to students last month. Many students returned their forms, but many did not. These forms need to be returned to English teachers or the office by January 24. Additional copies can be picked up in the SHS office.
For more information, please read this document:
SHS students were surprised by a visit from Santa and Buzz today during lunch!
Congratulations to the November Students of the Month selected by the Career and Technical Department.
Congratulations to Layla Delk for being selected as the SHS Staff Member of the Week! Miss Delk works with our students who may not be having the best day, yet she brings a positive and helpful attitude to her room and her students. Way to go Miss Delk!
Congratulations to the SHS FFA students who recently competed at the Sub-Area Contest! All 1st and 2nd place winners will advance to District in February.
Parliamentary Procedure - 1st place: Summer Carothers, Bronson May, Daniel Nelson, Megan Moring, Meagan Burnett, Trinity Klopfstein
Job Interview: Summer Carothers - 1st place; Trinity Klopfstein - 5th place
Prepared Public Speaking: LuLu Phelps - 1st place
Extemporaneous Public Speaking: Meagan Burnett - 3rd place; Jeffery Vermilya - 4th place
Discussion Meet: LuLu Phelps - 1st; Megan Moring - 3rd place
Congratulations to these SHS students for winning first place in their EdRising Competition at Regionals yesterday at UAPB!
Cameron Roshto - EdRising Moment Speech
Savannah Brewer - Exploring Education Careers - Administration
Madalyn Lewis - Exploring Education Careers - Support Services
Josh Harvison - Exploring Education Careers - Non-core Subject
Joanna Wise - Lesson Planning and Delivery – Arts
Marissa Nevens - Lesson Planning and Delivery – Humanities
Madalyn Lewis & Cameron Roshto - Ethical Dilemma
They will all move on and compete at the State level in a few months. Way to go!!
SHS had a great pop-up pep rally this morning for the basketball and wrestling teams!
Congratulations to the SHS 9th Grade Quiz Bowl team. They won 2nd place at the ARESC competition today!
Congratulations to the SHS Quiz Bowl Teams. They placed 1st and 3rd at the ARESC competition today! Way to go!
SHS wants to send a huge thank you to everyone who donated non-perishables to our annual food drive sponsored by Student Council and National Honor Society. We were blessed to collect 3,263 cans. We are so thankful to feed our community with all that we have raised.
SHS had a great evening last night at Hispanic Family Night (Noche de Familia). We want to thank everyone who participated. We look forward to getting more families and community members involved at SHS.
Congratulations to Hunter Broadaway for being selected the SHS Staff Member of the Week. Broadaway is passionate about his subject and always willing to help students and teachers. You can go by Mr. Broadaway’s room almost any day after school and find a room full of students building things. Mr. Broadaway ‘Inspires, Empowers, and Serves’ at SHS. Way to go!
Congratulations to SHS Senior, Lainey Ray, on receiving the DAR Good Citizen Award! We are so proud of her!
Remember to donate to the SHS Canned Food Drive! Collections end on Wed, Nov 16.
Congratulations to Amanda Coleman for winning the first annual SHS Faculty Chili Cook-off!! Her traditional red chili was delicious. We also want to acknowledge the winners in the "other" and homestyle categories -- Beth Vaccaro, Rhonda Grooms, and Denise Carpenter.
Remember to donate to the SHS Canned Food Drive if you can! Collections end on Wed, Nov 16.