SHS Band Seniors dressed up for practice today! #SHSlife #YJNation
about 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
band members in costume
band members in costume
band members in costume
SHS Seniors: If you missed the senior picture makeup day, Lifetouch is offering one more chance to get your photo in the yearbook. Call Lifetouch to schedule your appointment time for November 19th. Photos will be taken in North Little Rock and there will be a $20 sitting fee.
about 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS: Balfour will be here Wed, Oct 24 during lunch if you missed the class ring order or need to make a payment.
about 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
NHS is asking SHS and our community to Think Pink this Friday, October 26th. Let's go all pink for breast cancer awareness. Balloon release prior to kickoff.
about 6 years ago, Sheridan High
Think Pink
SHS Student Tailgate Party on Thurs, Oct 25 4:00–6:00PM on the SHS Practice Field. Food & drinks provided. Think Pink merchandise & sweets will be sold. Baggo tournament ($10 a team). All proceeds go to cancer research. For more info & to sign up for Baggo, see the counselors.
about 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS Seniors and Parents: There will be a Financial Aid Workshop this Thursday, Oct. 18th starting at 6:30 pm in the library. RSVP to
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
Money with graduation cap
Best of luck to the SHS Marching Band as they compete in the Region Marching Assessment in Warren this evening! #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Tailgate Party on October 25 at 4 PM! Sign up for the Baggo Tournament in the Counselor's Office. #YJNation #WeWill
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Image advertising the Tailgate Party
This college and career Monday, we support Southern Arkansas University! Go @muleriders!!
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
counseling staff in SAU shirts
The SHS Debate Team competed at a debate tournament in Russellville this weekend. Tustin McDougall and Lauren Whitehead placed 4th in Biq Question. Tustin McDougall also won 2nd Place Speaker. Congratulations!
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of two Debate Students
Picture of Debate Students
Congratulations to SHS Sophomore Students of the Month Jayson Burroughs and Erin Kaucher selected by the math department.
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High
Congratulations to SHS Junior Students of the Month Kimmie Stewart and Drew Domrase selected by the math department.
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High
Congratulations to SHS Senior Students of the Month Kristen Pinkerton and Brenden Crutchfield selected by the math department.
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High
SHS students creating volcanoes for Environmental Science. #SHSlife #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
students making volcano
students making volcano
SHS AP Statistics students flying paper airplanes and collecting data to use in class. #SHSlife #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
students flying paper airplanes
students collecting data
SHS Programming students are learning about Visual Basic #SHSlife #YJNation @ARKidsCanCode
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
student programming
student programming
Good luck to the SHS Marching Band tomorrow! They will be competing at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock on Sat, Oct 6 at 2:24 PM.
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
Taking the October ACT? It's not too late to register for the ZAPS ACT workshop! It will be in the SHS library tomorrow and Thursday from 4:00-6:30 pm. Cost is $95.00. Register online at
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
scantron and pencil
Huge shout-out to the SHS JROTC for their help on Friday nights for home football games! These students help with parking, set-up the team run-thru, and present our flags for the National Anthem. Thanks! #SHSlife #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
color guard
students directing traffic
students with football run-thru
SHS -- In Mr. Jones’ Programming class, students are taking apart computers to learn about the hardware that makes up a computer. #SHSlife #YJNation @ARKidsCanCode
over 6 years ago, Sheridan High School
student looking at inside of computer
students taking computers apart