Best of luck to the SHS Choir students who will be performing in the All-Region Choir concert today (Nov 10)! We are proud of the way you represent the #YJNation!
Congratulations to the October Students of the Month selected by the Career & Tech. Dept. Seniors are Uriel Reyes and Katelyn Hobson.
Congratulations to the October Students of the Month selected by the Career & Tech. Dept. Juniors are Christian Cooper and Cassidy Henry.
Congratulations to the October Students of the Month selected by the Career & Tech. Dept. Sophomores are Clay Dawson and Ayden Mullins.
Reminder- SHS is preparing for a Veterans Day breakfast and picture display honoring relatives who are veterans of SHS students and faculty. Breakfast will be on Mon., Nov. 12 from 7:30-8:15 in the media center. Send pics and RSVP to by Nov. 5.
Parents of Seniors- packets for ordering announcements and other graduation supplies were given to students this morning. Orders and deposits will be taken on Tuesday, Nov. 13.
SHS Choir had a guest director today. Dr. Kent Skinner of UAM and the Arkansas Choral Society came to work with our students on their concert music. Thank you Dr. Skinner for sharing your expertise with us! #SHSlife #YJNation
SHS students came out last night for a fun tailgate, despite the dreary weather #SHSlife #YJNation
Remember the SHS Student Tailgate Party tomorrow (Thurs, Nov 1) from 4:00–6:00 PM on the SHS Practice Field. Food & drinks provided. Sweets will be sold. Baggo tournament ($10 a team). For more info & to sign up for Baggo, see the counselors.
SHS students in Mr. Remow's AP Art History class participated in an “A Frame” lesson to gain a better understanding of how large objects were moved in the years before cranes and trucks. Instruction on how to use this "A Frame" movement was provided by Lt Colonel Clark Easter's ROTC students, who do this activity regularly for their Raider Challenge.
Congrats to the Sheridan Debate Team for their hard work over the weekend! The team won 3rd place overall in the Big Schools Division at the Mills Halloween Tournament. We also had 10 students place in various categories. Way to go! #YJNation
SHS's Red Ribbon Week starts tomorrow! We will have lots of activities for students to take part in. Tomorrow is MEME Monday. Dress up like your favorite MEME! #YJNRRW18
Best of luck tomorrow to the SHS Marching Band as they compete in the State Marching Competition at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock at 2:15 PM (Mon, Oct 29). Go Band! #YJNation
SHS: Sophomore and junior picture retakes are Tues, Oct 30th. Make sure you're not left out of the yearbook :-)
Balloons for tonight's Think Pink balloon release are ready to go! $1 per balloon and all proceeds go the Komen Foundation of AR.
Juniors and Seniors-The ASVAB will be given on Tuesday, November 6th starting at 8:00 am in the auditorium. If you would like to take the ASVAB sign up in the counseling center. It is FREE!
SHS Parents: Report Cards were sent home today with students.
SHS- Think Pink items will be sold for $1 each during both lunches tomorrow. Proceeds will go to Susan G. Komen.
SHS: Reminder that Fall Senior Night forms for Seniors in Volleyball, Football, ROTC, Tennis, Golf, and
Band are due to Ms. Vaccaro TOMORROW (Wed, Oct 23)!!
SHS is preparing for a Veterans Day breakfast and picture display honoring relatives who are veterans of SHS students and faculty. Breakfast will be on Mon., Nov. 12 from 7:30-8:15 in the media center. Send pics and RSVP to by Nov. 5.