Congratulations to the SHS Robotics Team for winning the design award at the Bryant Hornet High School Robotics Tournament this past Saturday! This award is for an excellent demonstration of the design process through project management, teamwork, and an engineering notebook.
We are excited to partner with Kick Start Sheridan to host a Spring Career Fair on April 4 in the SHS Gym. We will have an afternoon session for students from 12 - 3 PM and an evening session for the PUBLIC from 4:30 - 6:30.
ACT Tip of the Day: Triple check. Careless errors can cost you tons of points, especially in Math. Did you bubble in the answer you intended? Don’t do all of the work and then miss out on all of the points because of a simple mistake.
Congratulations to juniors Bastien Rhoads and Ashleigh Shaw for being selected as the January Students of the Month by the Social Studies Department.
Congratulations to sophomores Seth Cunningham and Anna Cook for being selected as the January Students of the Month by the Social Studies Department.
Congratulations to seniors Jonathan Scott and Anna Holiman for being selected as the January Students of the Month by the Social Studies Department.
Students: Interested in attending Hendrix College? Join president William Tsutsui for a BBQ that will be held at First United Methodist Church of Sheridan tomorrow! BBQ will start at 12:00 pm.
ACT Tip of the Day: Read actively. On the Reading passages, underline the main idea of each paragraph. Don’t let yourself slip into passive reading. If you’re having difficulty understanding what you’re reading, try to paraphrase each paragraph as you read it.
ACT Tip of the Day: Never leave an answer blank.
There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT, so finish the test with a happy answer sheet: no blanks, even if you have to guess.
We are so excited about tomorrow's ACT Boot Camp! ACT specialists will provide test-taking tips & strategies. Juniors, you don't want to miss this opportunity to increase your ACT score.
SHS - About 1 in 10 teens who date have been physically abused by a boyfriend/girlfriend. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is a national effort to raise awareness &protect teens. #DatingViolence can be both physical &emotional. Learn more: #teenDVmonth
All Juniors will be taking the ACT exam on February 20th. Starting tomorrow, we will send out a ACT tip of the day every day leading up to the exam.
SSD Families: REMINDER Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Feb. 11 for Grades 7-12 and Feb. 18 for PreK-6th, from 2:00-7:30 PM. School will be dismissed at 1:30 PM on BOTH days for ALL campuses.
SHS - Interim Progress Reports were sent home today with students.
Also, Parent-Teacher Conferences for grades 7-12 will be on Mon, Feb 11 from 2-7:30 PM. School will dismiss at 1:30 PM on Mon, Feb 11.
It's National School Counseling Week (Feb 4-8, 2019)! SHS loves our counselors and all they do for our students! Thank you Vicki Strong, Wendy Sites, Lindsey Fortin, and Amanda Kuttenkuler! #YJNation
Wow! We are so proud of our student, Bastien Rhodes, for receiving the Community Service Award from the Sheridan Fire Department at the chamber banquet tonight!
Good luck to the SHS Army JROTC today. They will be competing in a Raider Competition at White Hall High School.
SHS Seniors: Reminder that senior t-shirts are on sale during both lunches this week. Please see Mrs. Evans or Mrs. Lusinger with any questions.
SHS - Remember the Yearbook staff is selling yearbooks this week during both lunches! Be sure to place your order.
SHS FBLA attended the District III Spring Leadership Conference today. 33 students won top awards & will compete at the State Leadership Conference this April.
Also, SHS student, Ashley Shocklee, was elected as District III Treasurer for the 2019-20 school year. #YJNation