Seniors: New scholarships are available, including the Lion's Club and Michelle Lunsford Memorial Scholarships! Visit Counselor's Corner for more information!
Good luck today to the SHS Army JROTC Raiders. They will be competing in the annual Henderson State & Ouachita Baptist Universities ROTC programs' "Scooter" challenge consisting of a Road March with a 40lb pack as well as written and actual land navigation.
Sophomores and Juniors: Do you want to go to COTO next year? You must complete an application, and all applications are due to Mrs. Fortin by March 1st!
SHS - Remember the Financial Aid Workshop is tonight in the library from 6-8 P.M.
Its ACT Test Day! Good luck to all the SHS Juniors taking the ACT exam today.
This college and career Monday we support our Little Rock Trojans!! Thank you @diamondalewis for the shirts! @ualradmissions
SHS Students and Parents: School attendance impacts so many things! #AttendanceMatters
ACT Tip of the Day: Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate.
Even if you don’t know the answer to a question, you can eliminate one or two choices that are unlikely.
SHS Students - The Dodge-ball tournament will be held Thurs, Feb 21 at 6:00 pm in the gym. The sign up sheet is in Mrs. Rich's room. Have your team ready before signing up. 6 players and 1 sub per team. Cost for teams will be
$10. Deadline to sign up is Wed, Feb, 20.
SHS Teacher Cadets selected Laura Brown as the first recipient of their Teacher of the Week award. She was nominated for her incredible kindness and patience with her students. Congratulations!
ACT Tip of the Day: Two rights make a wrong.
There is only ever one correct answer for each question. If there seem to be two right answers, this is a sign that you have misunderstood the question and need to re-read.
SHS - February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, a national effort to raise awareness and protect teens from violence. If you know a young adult in an abusive relationship, text or call @loveisrespect’s helpline: #datingviolence
Best of luck to the SHS Army JROTC today and tomorrow as they compete at the Fort Smith Northside "Grizzly" Invitational Competition in Drill, Color Guard and Raider competitions at Ft. Chaffee, AR.
ACT Tip of the Day: Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate. Even if you don’t know the answer to a question, you can eliminate one or two choices that are unlikely.
SHS Senior Kacie Wyrick was named the Arkansas Journalist of the Year by the Journalism Education Association. This individual award allows her to compete for the National Journalist of the Year & be recognized at the Arkansas Scholastic Press Association convention in April.
SHS will have another day of kindness for Valentine's Day tomorrow! Students, make sure to stop by the posters and get kind words to share with friends and peers. Spread the love!
SHS Seniors & Parents: Please read this link for important information about Wed, Feb 20, 2019.
ACT Tip of the Day: In English, Reading, & Science, split up the test by passage. Only allow 8 min per passage for English & Reading, & 5-6 min per passage for Science. Some of the last questions might be the easiest ones, so don’t run out of time before you get to them
SHS - Your attendance matters for today and for your future!
Before you take the ACT, know what score you’re going for in each subject area. Work out how many questions you need to answer in each section to reach your goal. This will help you stay motivated and make better time management decisions.