Today, the Technology Student Association members delivered goodie bags to SHS teachers and staff members for Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you to all of our SHS teachers and staff for all you do for your students!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS wants to send a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our teachers for all of the hard work, time, and effort they put into our students, families, school, and community! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
thank you teachers
The SHS talent show was Friday, April 29. Third place went to Thomas Ross. Second place went to Xander Dalton, Patrick Gentry, Jackson Dowler, and Harrison Moss. First place went to James Berry. We have some talented students at SHS!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors – Remember the deadline to purchase tickets for the Awards Banquet is Monday, May 2nd. Use this link for more information about the event & purchasing tickets:
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS National Honor Society & JROTC got a head start on Teacher Appreciation Week this morning by providing teachers with a coffee and donut bar. Other SHS student organizations will recognize teachers next week, too. We love our teachers. Happy (early) Teacher Appreciation Week!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
teachers & students
teachers & students
The SHS Theatre II and III class will have a Theatre Showcase this Sunday, May 1 at 2 PM in the SHS cafeteria. All are welcome and it is free! Please come join us and see what our students have learned.
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Congratulations Mary Jones for being chosen the SHS Staff Member of the Week! Ms. Mary works in our cafeteria serving students every day with a wonderful personality, pride in her work, and caring nature with students and staff. We are lucky to have Ms. Mary at SHS.
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
teachers with award
SHS Talent Show is today (April 29). We will start around 1:35 PM. Here is the livestream link:
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Congratulations to the SHS FFA! They attended the 3 day, FFA State Convention this week, winning awards, competitions, and scholarships! Theses students and their sponsor, Taylor Donnelly, have worked extremely hard this year to get to this point. Many also qualified to compete again at the National level in October. Way to go!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
list of students
list of students
list of students
SHS wants to send a huge shout-out to our Administrative Assistants - Brandy Ashley, Korey Bean, Dawn Belknap, Renee Hix, & Nina Webb. They are a wonderful team, and we couldn't do it without them!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors & Families – The Senior Scholarship Awards Banquet will be Tues, May 17. Seniors who are receiving an institutional, private, or local scholarship are invited. Dinner is at 6:00 PM; awards presentation is 6:30 PM. The deadline to purchase tickets is Monday, May 2nd. Use this link for more information about the event & purchasing tickets:
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors & Families – The Senior Scholarship Awards Banquet will be Tues, May 17. Seniors who are receiving an institutional, private, or local scholarship are invited. Dinner is at 6:00 PM; awards presentation is 6:30 PM. The deadline to purchase tickets is Monday, May 2nd. Use this link for more information about the event & purchasing tickets:
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Congratulations to Marcia Brown on being named the SHS Staff Member of the Week! Ms. Brown has done a wonderful job rejuvenating our choir program this year. She has created a culture of excellence and trust with her students and instilled a love of music in her students. We hope you can attend their concert on May 5 and witness what great work Ms. Brown and her choir are doing.
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
teachers with award
SHS - 9th & 10th Graders will begin ACT Aspire Testing tomorrow (Mon, April 18). Please remind your student to charge his/her chromebook tonight. Also, the Math portion of the test will be tomorrow, if your student has a calculator, please remind him/her to bring it to school!
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors – Remember the deadline to turn in pictures for the senior slide show is Wednesday, April 20. Information on how to do this was previously sent to your school email. See Mrs. Stockton with any questions.
over 2 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors - Be sure you are checking with the counselors for scholarship opportunities on a regular basis. You can go in-person to the Counseling Center or the Counselors' Corner of the SHS website:
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
Congratulations to Gregg Scott for being selected as the SHS Staff Member of the Week! Mr. Scott, in conjunction with the other band directors, works day and night to make sure his band students get the instruction, support, and materials they need to be successful. He is a huge asset to our students, school, and community!
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
teachers with award
Congratulations to these SHS students! All 3 singers got Superior Ratings (the highest ratings) at the Arkansas State Solo and Ensemble Competition recently! Alli Denis, Analise McKenzie, and Lillie Brown
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
Seniors -- Balfour will be here tomorrow (Wed, April 13) to hand out caps and gowns. If you still owe a balance, call Balfour (501-681-1748) and take care of it ASAP.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
These SHS students competed at the State FBLA Competition on April 4th and qualified for Nationals. Jodi Barnes, Noah Householder, and Alexis Szeflinski (not pictured) placed 4th in Website Design. Shoshiana Vang placed 3rd in Word Processing. FBLA Nationals will be held in Chicago this summer. We are so proud of these students!
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School