The first day of school is right around the corner. Tap on the following link to view 10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Returning to School.
CORRECTION: EEM 8th Grade Families - the Virtual House Selection Celebration will be at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, August 13th. Log-in information will be shared today directly with students via Google Classroom.
We understand there may be technology or time conflicts, no need to worry, your child will be assigned to a house. Yes, they will be in a house whether your family has opted for blended or virtual learning.
Welcome back 7th & 8th EEM families! The health and safety of our students is our number one priority. However, we also know that feeling a sense of belonging is vital in the middle school years. With this in mind, we have a new House initiative. Learn more about Houses here:
Your child will receive an invitation for a random House Selection Celebration to be hosted on Thursday, August 13th (12:45 - 7th Grade | 8:30 - 8th Grade). This is for both Blended and Virtual Students.
New to EEM? How to Register for our Google Classroom, here:
Don’t have an SSD e-mail address yet or forgot your password?
A message from Nurse Courtney, EEM Nurse:
If your child has a medical condition which requires any intervention or will be receiving medication while at school, we recommend scheduling an appointment. Please call EEM between 7:30 - 3:30 (501.261.6565) to speak with Nurse Courtney. We recommend scheduling an appointment to avoid unnecessary crowding or long waits during the first day of school.
EEM - Reminder, today is Chromebook drop-off and EEM yearbook and shirt sale:
EEM - Enjoy your summer break and a Flipgrid farewell from the EEM team Remember, every summer day is a good day to enjoy a great book - access free ebooks here:
Have a great summer!
EEM-Enjoy our 2020 EEM Virtual Talent Show ( Students and EEM faculty/staff may vote for their favorite talent through our campus-wide Google Classroom (class code: ksk5iz]. Voting closes tonight at 8:00 p.m. Thank you to our participants! Enjoy the show!
EEM-Way to go 8th grade for increasing your digital work to 65.1% of students getting their work done last week. 6th grade is still in the lead with 73.6% and 7th at 65.4% participation. Way to go parents for your commitment to your children and their education!
EEM - Good evening, you'll find the EEM Schedule for Week 8 of Digital Learning here: Teachers have prepared lessons through the last day of classes, Friday, May 22. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to your child's education.
EEM-Kuddos to 6th grade!! 86.4% of students worked on their digital learning last week [7th= 78.4% and 8th grade = 25.6%]. Keep up the great work, you are working on your foundation for future learning!
Parents: HAC will be down until further notice. Teachers are an email away.
EEM - Deadline to apply to participate in the 2020 EEM Virtual Talent Show extended until Tuesday, May 12th. More information here: or go directly to the form here: Parents, please encourage your child to showcase their talent(s).
EEM - Happy Mother's Day!
Good evening, you'll find the EEM Schedule for Week 7 of Digital Learning here:
EEM - We are excited to see you today between 11-6 for yearbook and student supplies pick-up. Pull up to the front of the school, items will be placed in your trunk or back seat. Please stay in your vehicle to maintain proper physical distancing. Also:
EEM - Good evening, here ( you'll find the EEM Schedule for Week 6 of Digital Learning. Reminder: yearbooks, spring photos, and other student belongings will be distributed Wed., May 6th from 11-6. Pull to the front of the school.
EEM - Reminder: the deadline to establish a plan for students seeking to improve their 4th quarter grade is tomorrow, May 1. If needed, please communicate directly with teachers to create a plan for grade improvement.
Additional information:
EEM- Pre-ordered yearbooks are in! Swing by Wed, May 6th from 11-6 to pick them up, as well as any belongings left in classrooms. Look forward to seeing you! Pull to the front of the school, we will bring items to your vehicle. Teachers are always only an e-mail away.
EEM - Good evening, here ( you'll find the EEM Schedule for Week 5 of Digital Learning. Recorded Instructional sessions are blue and optional Live sessions are green. We miss our students and are always just and e-mail or phone call away.
EEM - Please read the following statement regarding 4th quarter grades and digital learning:
EEM - 6th grade students created messages using Flip Grid to give a shout out to friends and teachers they're missing during this time! If you haven't had a chance to upload your video, there's still plenty of time to give a shout out! Just follow this link, and log in with your school email.
EEM - Missing You Monday, but super proud of our Junior All-Region Choir Students. Also, check out these pictures from August 9, 2019 - spot your favorite teacher and send them a shout out.
EEM - Good morning! Here ( you'll find the EEM Schedule for Week 4 of Digital Learning. Recorded Instructional sessions are blue and OPTIONAL Live sessions are green. We miss our students and are always just and e-mail or phone call away.