2021-2022 Cheer and Dance Tryouts for grades 7-12 are coming up! Check out the flyer for details. #YJNation #MakeItCount
EEM - Math is so much more than "just numbers"; Ms. Smith's 7th graders practiced writing and solving equations involving real-world examples. This activity helped students see the relevance of equations.
EEM - Download the Walsworth Yearbook "Snap App" to share your amazing pictures of fun in the snow for consideration in this year's yearbook! Share these great moments with us using the Walsworth Yearbook Snap App (http://bit.ly/3aCuhPO) for consideration in the EEM Yearbook [Access Code: EEMyearbook2020].
EEM - Picture day POSTPONED to Wednesday, March 10th (Pre-order at mylifetouch.com [Picture Day ID: EVTZ883Q7]). Order forms will be sent home tomorrow.
Tonight's in person yearbook ordering - postponed to Parent/Teacher Conference day: Monday, March 1st. Other ordering options: https://yearbookforever.com/ - search for East End Middle School (http://bit.ly/2LlTsNS). In person ordering: Friday, February 26 (12:00 - 2:00 p.m.). Cost: $35.
EEM - It looks like snow is in the forecast, but SPRING pictures are around the corner! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Pre-order at mylifetouch.com [Picture Day ID: EVTZ883Q7].
Reminder: order your EEM Yearbook today, here: https://yearbookforever.com/ - search for East End Middle School (http://bit.ly/2LlTsNS). In person ordering at the EEM cafeteria door (off the carpool lot): Monday, February 22 (5:30 - 6:30 p.m.) or Friday, February 26 (12:00 - 2:00 p.m.). Cost: $35.
EEM - Weather permitting, we look forward to seeing any learners on campus who: need to complete/make-up their winter NWEA Map Growth, are working on credit recovery from Fall, or who simply need a place to work with great teachers nearby [8 a.m. - 12 p.m.]. We may have not been on campus today, but you and your learners can still review grades for Grade Check Thursday using the Canvas App. Working together to help our learners excel!
EEM - 3rd quarter interim reports and updated HAC letters were sent home with learners today (all others will be mailed this week). Reminder: February 15th is Parent/Teacher Conference Day. To accommodate the virtual format and limited time, a teacher representative will host the formal conference - if you have not confirmed your meeting time please reach out to your child's Jacket Time Teacher. Note: If you have praises, questions, or concerns regarding a student's class, please inbox the teacher through Canvas today.
EEM - Mrs. Otten's 8th graders are hard at work painting their abstract watercolor designs! Their work always brightens our hallways and bring sunshine to cloudy days.
EEM - Some of our learners are virtual, some are on-site, either way families are taking GREAT pictures every day! Share these great moments with us using the Walsworth Yearbook Snap App (http://bit.ly/3aCuhPO) for consideration in the EEM Yearbook [Access Code: EEMyearbook2020]. Also, order your EEM Yearbook today, here: https://yearbookforever.com/ - search for East End Middle School (http://bit.ly/2LlTsNS). In person ordering at the EEM cafeteria door (off the carpool lot): Monday, February 22 (5:30 - 6:30 p.m.) or Friday, February 26 (12:00 - 2:00 p.m.). Cost: $35.
EEM - Learners in Mrs. Scotts Drama II class have been learning about the elements of design in theatre. Today they experimented with color on stage and what mood they could create for a scene. Great discussion on how lighting designers help the audience "see" the play.
EEM - Reminder, it's grade check Thursday. Parents, please review and initial student planners today for current grades. Weekly grade monitoring and consistent communication between students, parents, and teachers helps keep our learners on track and establishes good habits of self accountability.
If you have praises , questions, or concerns regarding a student's class - no need to wait until February 15th Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Inbox the teacher through Canvas today.
EEM - Students measured the length of their shadow and their height in meters to identify the Angle of Incidence. They will see how the AOI changes throughout the course of an entire day. This supports that our planet is round and that it spins on an axis. #ScienceRocks!
EEM - Students in 6th grade English played the board game "Sentence Scramble". The goal: discover different ways to vary their sentences when writing a Personal Reflective Narratives for the ACT Aspire and in future writing. The right word or structure makes all the difference!
EEM would like to thank our school counselor, Jessica Ashcraft, for all she does to support our campus! She is always All In for All Students! #NSCW #YJNATION #MAKEITCOUNT
EEM - Parents, help us get some great pictures for our yearbook. Please remind your learner to represent with their house shirt tomorrow (2/2/21). Yearbook Club will take pictures during Jacket Time. Virtual Learners, tomorrow look for a Canvas assignment where you can submit your pictures for yearbook. Didn't get your house shirt? E-mail angiedeuerling@sheridanschools.org.
EEM - Reminder, it's grade check Thursday. Parents, please review and initial student planners today for current grades. All of us working together for our learners will help keep them on track for success. If you have praises , questions, or concerns regarding a student's class - no need to wait until February 15th Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Inbox the teacher through Canvas today.
EEM - Reminder, today is grade check Thursday. Parents, help us keep our learners on track for a great second semester, please review and initial student planners today for current grades.
Also, if you haven't already, download the Canvas Parent App to stay informed about all classes: https://www.sheridanschools.org/o/District/page/canvas-video-tutorials. If you have praises , questions, or concerns regarding a student's class - no need to wait until February 15th Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Inbox the teacher through Canvas today.
EEM Virtual Learners: We look forward to seeing our virtual learners tomorrow (1/22/21) to begin or complete NWEA MAP Growth testing.
EEM - Today is grade check Thursday. Parents, help us keep our learners on track for a great second semester, please review and initial student planners today for current grades. Also, if you haven't already, download the Canvas Parent App to stay informed about all classes: https://www.sheridanschools.org/o/District/page/canvas-video-tutorials.
We look forward to seeing our virtual learners tomorrow for NWEA MAP Growth testing.
EEM - Tomorrow is Houses of EEM Spirit Day, remind your learner to wear their house shirt. Also, 1st semester Report Cards were sent home with students today. Report cards for those who were absent or virtual learners will be mailed Wednesday. If you have any questions, please contact teachers directly.