Mrs. Hardin's 3rd grade class at EEI has been writing cheerful letters to local East Enders. Their goal was to spread kindness and show others that they care. Mr. Peery, one of the recipients, came to their class to thank them and meet everyone.
about 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
Cheerful letter recipent
Cheerful letter recipent 2
Congratulations to our EEI Spelling Bee Winners! 1st Place- Makhi Luckey 2nd Place-Kassidy Gillette 3rd Place-Emyli Funderburg
about 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
spelling bee winners
EEI Students cheered on our State Bound Special Olympics Competitor! Go Jackets!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI Families: Click on the following link to view the December Edition of the EEI Connections Newsletter.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
The Sheridan girls play today at 4 p.m. against Valley Springs in the Battle at the Brier Classic tournament in Greenbrier. The Yellowjacket boys at home against Batesville. Junior varsity boys tip off at 5 p.m., followed by the varsity game. Following is the livestream link for the boys: Go Jackets!
over 2 years ago, SSD Communications
EEI would like to thank The Gym at East End and our CKH Process Champions for the delicious pies today!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
thank you for the pies
The PTO "Woot Woot Wagon" at EEI made its first stop. Everyone in Mrs. Hardin's class got an item from the wagon for their impressive behavior!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
woot wagon
East End Intermediate's Family Literacy Night was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who attended.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
literacy night
Thank you EEI PTO and Arch Street Pharmacy for showing us kindness! The cake was such a treat on a long, busy week! We're thankful for you as well!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
bundt cake
EEI Families: Literacy Night will be Thursday, Nov 17 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the EEI Gym. Come and enjoy painting, hot chocolate, visits with Santa Clause, and our 4th Grade Students singing.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
Literacy Night
EEI loves and appreciates all our Veterans and we want to wish all our service men and women a Happy Veteran's Day!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
veterans parade
EEI 4th grade recently learned about adaptations. As an extension to those lessons, Laura DePriest visited and explained why arachnids are so important to our ecosystem and some adaptations that they have to survive.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
spider education
Click on the following link to view the November Edition of EEI Connections Newsletter. This edition has important information about our Veteran's Day Celebration, Great Things at EEI, and a CKH Parent Survey. Click to read all about it!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
Congratulations to EEI's 3rd and 4th grade Chess Team. They placed 2nd in the AR River Educational Co-op fall 3rd and 4th grade chess tournament today! Great job!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
chess club
Mr. Steven Lemp, represented Museum of Discovery at East End Intermediate for PPG's "Awesome Science" presentation! The students enjoyed live science experiments and learned lots of new things!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
museum of discovery presentation
EEI wants to thank the football players who opened car doors and read to some of our 3rd grade classes.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
football players reading and greeting students
football players reading
football players reading
EEI wants to congratulate participants of the bowling Special Olympics on bringing home Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals.
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
These EEI students received prizes from Sonic for great behavior and awesome participation during Red Ribbon Week!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
red ribbon week prizes
EEI students and staff learned a lot and had tons of fun during Red Ribbon Week. #NeonDay #BookCharacterDay #JerseyDay
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
book character pictures
more book character
neon day
The EEI CKH Champs student team selected Mrs. Toni as their Champion of the week. We appreciate the excellent example Mrs. Toni sets for our students everyday!
over 2 years ago, East End Intermediate
Mrs Toni and the kids