Taking the Oct. ACT? There is a FREE test prep webinar series by Awesome Scores this weekend! Register online at: http://bit.ly/2yRdOH7
Seniors & parents: You can attend the fin. aid workshop TONIGHT starting at 6pm in the SHS Library even if you haven't signed up!
It is not too late to sign up for the ZAPS ACT workshop! It will be held in the SHS Library tomorrow and Thursday from 4:00-6:30. Register online at www.doorwaytocollege.com. Cost is $89.99.
Thank you to the volunteers from ROTC and SHS student body who helped the debate team host a successful first-ever debate tournament!
SHS will host a Financial Aid Workshop on Tues. Oct. 10th starting at 6 pm. For more information and to RSVP, contact Mrs. Kuttenkuler.
Senior Athletes: Wendy's Heisman is due TOMORROW! Apply online at: bit.ly/2n2MZu8
SHS Homecoming Week Themes: Mon.- 'Merica Monday, Tues.- Tacky Tourist, Wed.-Grandparents, Thurs.-Disney, & Fri.- School Spirit.
SHS Parents: Aspire reports are being sent home. Go to http://bit.ly/2xBquRG for a letter from ADE about Aspire score reports.
Senior Parents: The final day to purchase yearbooks ads is tomorrow Sept. 27th. See Mr. Turner with any questions.
Have a student enrolled in concurrent credit for Eng. or Math? Important letter regarding payment is coming home with your student!
SHS Faculty Tailgate Fun! 💛💙 Let's Go Jackets!
Join us today for the annual NHS blood drive at SHS! Donate from 2-7 PM near the gym entrance!
JRS: The deadline to register and pay for the PSAT is TOMORROW! You can register in the counseling center or at P/T Conferences! Fee: $16
Need help registering for the ACT? There will be a help session during Jacket Time on Thursday! Sign up in the counseling center.
Jrs and Srs: You can now sign up for the ASVAB in the counseling center! It will be given on the morning of Wednesday, October 18th.
Senior Parents: The deadline for purchasing a Senior ad for the yearbook is Wed. Sept. 27th. See Mr. Turner with any questions.
The SHS Jazz Band enjoyed performing at the I Can! Center Birthday Bash in East End this weekend!
Parents: check out our student-created video on how to access grades through Home Access Center (HAC).
There will be another College Fair at the Pulaski Tech South Campus on Sept. 21st! Register online here: bit.ly/2wxEWth
Juniors: Deadline to register and pay for the PSAT/NMSQT is Sept. 21! Cost: $16. Register and pay in counseling center.