They won! They won! Team Sheridan won the 2019 Girls of Promise Tech for Good Competition for their “Arkansas College Calculator.” This computer program helps students find specific scholarships they are eligible for in Arkansas based on their GPA and ACT score.
Lara Parker, Mya Souvanna, Emery Talbert, and Kacie Wyrick are shown below with their new MacBook Air laptops they received for winning the competition. #TeamJones

SHS students placed at State Skills USA w/ their COTO classes--Alexis Ozment placed 1st in Nursing, earning a trip to nationals and winning scholarships to COTO & UofA; Sergio Gomez, Will Donham, & Dylan Thomas-Hicks were part of the Opening/Closing Ceremony team placing 3rd.

SHS coaches are celebrating School Library Week by sharing their favorite books! #SchoolLibraryWeek #SLM19 #shsreads

In celebration of National Library week, be the first to answer today's trivia question. Which novel and author includes the following lines, "Brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you go on even though you're scared." #SchoolLibraryWeek #SLM19 #shsreads

SHS coaches are celebrating School Library Week by sharing their favorite books! #SchoolLibraryWeek #SLM19 #shsreads

In celebration of National Library week, be the first to answer today's trivia question. From whose memoir is the following quote, "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."

SHS students on a visit to explore career and technical training opportunities after graduation.

SHS staff is celebrating School Library Week by sharing their favorite books! #SchoolLibraryWeek #SLM19 #shsreads

SHS staff is celebrating School Library Week by sharing their favorite books!
#SchoolLibraryWeek #SLM19 #shsreads

Mrs. Donoho's Literacy Ready class at SHS visited Mrs. Harp's second grade classroom and brought hand-selected books for each of their buddies. The students read their books with their buddies and had a great time discussing which types of books they love reading most!

SHS Seniors- Balfour will be here on Friday, April 5, 2019, to pass out cap and gowns. If you have a balance with Balfour, please get that taken care of before Friday. If you are not sure if you have a balance or not, please come by the office and ask.

SHS Juniors and Seniors- Remember the last day to purchase guest tickets for Prom is Wednesday, April 3. Junior and Senior tickets will remain on sale until Thursday, April 11.

SHS Seniors- It is time to begin submitting pictures for the Senior Slideshow. Up to 4 pictures may be emailed to yjnation2019@gmail.com. The deadline to submit pictures is April 18. A confirmation email will be sent to verify pictures have been received.

SHS: The Army JROTC will be conducting its annual Military Ball tonight (March 30) to recognize and celebrate its successes from the year. Can't wait to see all the pictures!

SHS Parents- If you did not complete our 2019 Spring Parental Involvement Survey at CAP Conferences, we would love to have your input.

Superintendent Williams enjoyed having lunch with the @SheridanSHS Student Council to answer their questions and gather their input. #yjnation #studentvoice

SHS AP Spanish Language and Culture students recently completed a dog house project while studying earthquakes and the effects on Central American cultures. http://bit.ly/2YrFfk6

Seniors: Don't miss out on scholarship money!! There are three local scholarship deadlines THIS FRIDAY! Also NEW local scholarships are now available! Check out the counselors corner at http://bit.ly/2nHgtsY for more info!

SHS Reminder: Seniors will be out of school this Thursday, March 28th due to CAP conferences.

SHS Reminder: CAP conferences will be Thurs, Mar 28 for 10th & 11th grade students. Students & parents must attend the conference at the scheduled time to be marked present for the day. If you have questions about your conference time, please contact Brandy Ashley at 870-942-3137