Are you registered for the October ACT and need test prep? SHS will be hosting a ZAPS ACT workshop on October 2nd and 3rd from 4:00-6:30 pm. Fee is $95. Sign up online at
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
ZAPS info flyer
The Sheridan Army JROTC participated in the Great Arkansas Clean-up of the lakes and parks of Arkansas today on the trails at Lake Catherine State Park. Approximately 55 Cadets from the program participated.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS will be hosting a ZAPS ACT workshop on October 2nd and 3rd from 4:00-6:30 pm. Fee is $95. Register online at
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
ZAPS info flyer
SHS - We recently announced our 2019 Homecoming Queen. Congratulations Tru Spann! Homecoming will be Friday, October 11, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
The SHS College Fair is TONIGHT!! You can still register online at gotocollegefairs com.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
college fair
SHS Seniors - Picture retakes are SATURDAY, September 7th. This is the last chance for seniors to appear in the portrait pages. See Mr. Turner for more information.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS students: The College Fair is Monday night in Yellowjacket arena! Register online at
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
college fair flyer
SHS Parents - If you are interested in volunteering at school, please complete the linked form and return to school.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS - 9th-12th grade students interested in the fishing team must attend one of the mandatory meetings. Students should bring $25 for SAF dues & $60 for a team jersey (new members only). Meetings will be 6:30 PM in the SHS Cafeteria on Sept 3 & 5.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS students: The College Fair is a little less than a week away! Make sure to register online at!
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
college fair flyer
SHS Seniors - Picture retakes are Saturday, September 7th. This is the last chance for seniors to appear in the portrait pages. See Mr. Turner for more information.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS - 9th-12th grade students interested in the fishing team must attend one of the mandatory meetings. Students should bring $25 for SAF dues & $60 for a team jersey (new members only). Meetings will be 6:30 PM in the SHS Cafeteria on Sept 3 & 5. Parents and boat captains of the students should also attend one of the meetings with their child.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SHS Seniors - The deadline for senior ads for the yearbook is September 25. Email Justin Turner if you have questions.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
Get organized with these Yellowjacket planners! SHS Cheer is selling them for just $10. You can purchase one from one of our cheerleaders, or you can pick one up at the football scrimmage tomorrow!
over 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Image of the planner
Image of the planner
SHS Seniors - Picture retakes are SATURDAY, September 7th. This is the last chance for seniors to appear in the portrait pages. See Mr. Turner for more information.
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS - We are so excited to start school tomorrow! Students will report to their advisory teacher when the first bell rings at 7:54 AM. Use this link for traffic directions:
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS - Click here to view the information packet from Orientation and Open House earlier this week:
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS - We are so excited to have our teachers back! We had a wonderful day building our team and planning how to help our students achieve great things! #YJNation
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
ball toss
teacher team building
teacher meeting
teacher meeting
SHS Students - click the link for information about picking up your class schedules and Orientation/Open House
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS students and parents: SAVE THE DATE! This year's College Fair will be held on Monday, September 9th at 6:30 pm. You can register online at
over 5 years ago, Sheridan High School
Student and recruiter at last year's college fair