SHS - Congratulations to Ms. Vicki Strong for being named SHS Staff Member of the Week! She is one of our amazing counselors that gives our students her all to ensure they are safe and successful. Thank you Ms. Strong!
SHS Food Safety classes are practicing knife safety & skills this week. They made swans out of apples yesterday.
SHS Seniors: The early bird discount for Senior yearbook ads has been extended to Thurs, Sept 24 at 3:10 P.M. Info can be picked up from English teachers. If you need another, see Mr. Keen (room 218) or email Turn in money & order to Mr. Keen. Tap on the link for details about Senior Ads.
SHS picture day for grades 9-11 will be Tues, Sept 22. Click this link for more information for both on-site and virtual students.
SHS - Congratulations to Mrs. Amanda Coleman for being chosen as the Staff Member of the Week! Mrs. Coleman works with students in our SAS lab to help them achieve success. We appreciate and recognize her tireless effort to support our students.
SHS congratulates Mrs. Meca Sprague for being selected as our 1st Staff Member of the Week! We love all of our faculty and staff and are honored to recognize them.
SHS Families:
Now that both our virtual and onsite students have begun using the Canvas Learning Management System, it's time for parents to create an Observer account in Canvas. With an Observer account, you can track your student's learning progress and receive messages from his/her teachers. To get started, you will first need to log into your student's account. If your student does not know his/her account information, please call our front office. Tap on the parent video below for step-by-step instructions.
Parent Video -
Also, the Sheridan School District is now accepting applications for Verizon Internet hotspots from households within the district that do not have access to the Internet. Access the application below.
English -
Español -
SHS Students & Families: This link has info about schedules and other back to school items. There is a lot of information in the document, so please read through all of it. Thank you.
The first day of school is right around the corner. Tap on the following link to view 10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Returning to School.
SHS Class of 2021: We received guidance from the Arkansas Department of Education yesterday (8/11) that Seniors MAY come to school (onsite and virtually) to take ONLY courses required for graduation and courses in their student success plan. SHS administrators and counselors will begin contacting guardians of seniors tomorrow to discuss each senior's plan for the upcoming school year.
Class of 2021 - Make-up Senior Portrait sessions will be Mon, Aug 10 and Tues, Aug 11. Portraits will be taken in the old student lounge. Postcards with appointment times were mailed to students from Lifetouch. Click this link for more info:
Seniors enrolling in AP Lit: TOMORROW is the deadline to register for concurrent credit with UALR! Emails were sent last week to those that have not applied. To apply visit:
Class of 2020 - Here is information on ordering a DVD, shirt, and pictures from graduation:
The entire SHS Graduation ceremony is available for viewing from the homepage of through the “Trending” section.
On desktop, find the “Trending“ section on the left side of the main page.
On mobile/tablet, keep scrolling down past the social links to the “Trending” section.
Click the blue and gold “Congratulations Class of 2020” image to view.
In preparation for today's graduation, we are re-posting the senior slideshow.
Seniors enrolling in AP Lit: The deadline to register for concurrent credit with UALR is next Friday, July 31st! Emails have been sent to those that have not applied. To apply visit:
SHS Class of 2020: The Sheridan School Board held a special called school board meeting on July 16 and voted to move the SHS graduation to the Yellowjacket Stadium at 1 p.m. on July 26, so that all graduates can be honored in the same ceremony. Each graduate will receive four guest tickets. Tickets can be picked up Thursday, July 23, 8AM - 3PM at SHS or 4 - 6PM at EEM. Contact the high school at 870-942-3137 by Monday, July 20 if one of your guests requires ADA accessible seating. These plans are pending state approval. All guests must follow the health and safety guidelines outlined here:
SHS Class of 2020: Please tap on the link to view our updated plans for graduation.
SHS Families: We have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely over the past several weeks. We regret to inform you that due to continued social distancing requirements, we will not be able to host a prom this year. We are currently working with the Arkansas Department of Education and Arkansas Department of Health to come up with an updated plan for the graduation ceremony scheduled for July 26. We will announce the updated plan as soon as it is finalized. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Class of 2021 - Information about senior pictures is linked here: