February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! One of our CTE offerings at SHS is Internship. While students can do an internship in any area of CTE, Mrs. Abana Nevens oversees the program and works with the students. Internship is a practical and supervised job experience designed to assist students to successfully transition from school to work. The Internship course is paid or unpaid experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learning in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields. Students can use Internship to gain their 3rd level class in a program of study if their internship is in that area.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
​Congratulations to Mr. Broadaway and Mrs. Washington for being chosen as the most recent Staff Members of the Week! Mr. Broadaway does a great job with his engineering and robotics classes and teams. His students continually create amazing projects and do well at competitions! Mrs. Washington works hard to prepare our juniors and seniors for college English classes and their future in general. She strives to make them all excellent readers and writers! Thank you both for all you do every day for our students!
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
teachers with award
teachers with award
Congratulations to the SHS February Students of the Month selected by the Foreign Language Department.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! Mr. Charlie Kinser teaches classes tied to operating the Yellowjacket Arena, two of which are Small Business Operations and Audio/Visual Tech & Film. These courses are taught in the Yellowjacket Arena & YJ Store, which provides hands-on experience for our students. Small Business Operations is designed for students interested in learning how to manage a small business, as well as learning the ways of the American business enterprise system. The course includes a study of various forms of ownership, internal organization, management functions, and financing as they relate to business. The course content focuses on the concepts and practices of small business ownership and management, all while practicing these skills through the day-to-day operations in the YJ Store, both on campus and online. Audio/Visual Tech & Film is designed for students to apply artistic talent to practical problems and learn visual arts principles that prepare them with skills and techniques to work in any number of creative design and entertainment fields. Students in arts, A-V technology and communications learn and practice skills that prepare them for diverse post-high school education and training opportunities, from apprenticeships and two-year college programs to four-year college and graduate programs. Student work can be seen throughout the arena during all athletic and special events. The hands-on experience of these classes prepares Sheridan High School students for success!
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
student with project
student with project
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! Many of our business courses are taught by Mrs. Cobie Williams, including the following: Survey of Business is designed to introduce students to business and marketing programs of study and related technology to help students succeed in business and marketing careers. This course will focus on skills needed to obtain Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications. AR Tourism Industry is designed to familiarize students with Arkansas careers in hospitality and the opportunities available to promote travel and tourism in the state. There is an emphasis on the food industry, transportation industry, lodging industry, and tourist attractions within the various geographical locations in the state. Hospitality Administration is an in-depth study of the hospitality industry. Students will become familiar with careers in hospitality and the primary segments of the hospitality industry. The personal presentation, communication skills, guest satisfaction, the ability to perform business math, along with marketing concepts will also be covered in this course.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS hosted its annual ACT Boot Camp with ACT expert, Christi Waller. Juniors were given the opportunity to learn and apply strategies to increase their scores on the upcoming March 1st ACT.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! Mrs. Abana Nevens helps students find future careers through Foundations of Teaching and JAG. In Foundations of Teaching students are provided with information and experiences in the field of education. Students will plan and direct individualized instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, and experience other responsibilities of classroom teachers. Students gain first-hand experience by traveling to other campuses to be involved in observations as well as direct student instruction in a placement classroom. They are given the opportunity to be involved in the student organization EdRising where they can enter competitions of their choosing related to the field of education. JAG is a program that prepares students for workplace success whether their career begins immediately upon high school graduation, includes entry into military service, or requires them to complete postsecondary education/training. The students explore careers, learn job attainment & survival skills, and develop personal skills through teamwork activities. Some JAG students are also in the JAG-Work Based Learning program where they learn valuable skills through experiences at a job. These students are released from afternoon classes to be able to go to their jobs.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
Students planning to tryout for junior high or senior high cheer or dance teams need to attend the parent/athlete spirit meeting on Monday, February 21st at 6:00pm in the SHS cafeteria.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
SHS Seniors- Balfour will be here on Tuesday, February 22, during lunches to take any last-minute cap and gown orders for graduation.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
Junior Girls - If you are interested in attending Arkansas Girls State, sign up in the counselor's office. See Ms. Cantrell for more details.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
Congratulations to the SHS FBLA students who recently competed at District Conference! These students placed in their respective competitions and will compete at the State Conference on April 4th and 5th.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
list of students
list of students
For students who received an application to join National Honor Society - Just a reminder that the application is due by 3:10 PM on Tuesday, February 15th. See Mrs. Stockton with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! One of our CTE offerings at SHS is Computer Science. Mrs. Cobie Williams and Mr. Carson Ayers teach Computer Science classes. Computer Science prepares students to build industrial and reusable software using cutting-edge programming and technology across different coding languages. At SHS, we offer different classes related to Computer Science from the basics of Computer Programming to AP Computer Science Applications and Principles. Students are also able to participate in the Technology Student Association.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! One of our CTE offerings at SHS is the Technology for Integrated Manufacturing (TIM) course, also known as the Kohler Academy. Mr. Mike Carpenter teaches the TIM class along with engineers from Kohler. Students in the TIM course learn how automation is now used in industry & about the different opportunities & careers in industry. In the lab, students complete OSHA training; learn programming of machines using G-Code, InkScape, Retina Engrave, & more; & learn how to use programmable logic controllers. Equipment in the lab that are used include 3D Printers, Plastic Injection Molding Machine, CNC Milling Machine, FANUC Arm, & Laser Engraver. Students design & produce metal, plastic, & wood products from the machines, some of which are sold in the YJNation Store.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
student with project
student with project
student with project
student with project
National School Counseling Week -- SHS sends a huge THANK YOU to our counseling staff for everything they do! We appreciate Ms. Cantrell, Mr. Lamartiniere, Mr. Steele, Ms. Strong, & Mrs. Bean.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
counseling superpower
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses! One of our CTE offerings at SHS is in our Family & Consumer Sciences dept. Lindsay Rich and McKenzie Crosby are the SHS Family & Consumer Sciences teachers and FCCLA advisers. We currently offer 4 FCS courses, including Family & Consumer Sciences; Food Safety & Nutrition; Food Production, Management, & Services; & Life & Fitness Nutrition. Family & Consumer Sciences prepares students to make informed choices regarding consumer education, food & nutrition, relationships, housing, & textiles, as well as provide skills for careers in the Hospitality & Tourism, Education & Training, & Human Services career clusters. At SHS, we offer two programs of study that include Food Production, Management, & Services, as well as Nutrition Science & Dietetics. Students take Level 1, 2, & 3 classes to be able to be a program completer. The Food Production students plan, sell, prepare, & serve meals to faculty every week. Students are also able to be a part of a student organization called Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). SHS currently has 42 FCCLA members.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
student with project
student with project
student with project
SHS is celebrating National School Counseling Week this week. Thank you Ms. Cantrell, Mr. Lamartiniere, Mr. Steele, Ms. Strong, and Mrs. Bean for everything you do to help our students & faculty with academics, mental health, social issues, and more!
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
national school counseling week
Reminder -- SHS Juniors will be taking the state-mandated ACT on March 1. All juniors can participate in the test without the linked form, but if students would like scores to be shared with higher education institutions, a parent must complete the linked form and return it to the student's English teacher before completing the MyACT information. Paper copies of the form can be picked up in the SHS office. Forms need to be returned by Fri, Feb 11, 2022. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hl2l49yZPFMLI6MqlmRQ3RUuejdKAjmg/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
It's National School Counseling Week. SHS sends a huge shout-out to our counseling staff for all the support & resources they provide our students & faculty every day! We appreciate Ms. Cantrell, Mr. Lamartiniere, Mr. Steele, Ms. Strong, & Mrs. Bean for everything they do.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
national school counseling week
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month, & SHS is proud to recognize our CTE teachers & courses. One of our CTE offerings at SHS is in our Agriculture dept. Mrs. Taylor Donnelly is our Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor. We currently offer 5 agriculture courses, including Survey of Agriculture, Animal Science, Agriculture Mechanics, Advanced Agriculture Mechanics, & Advanced Animal Science. Through our Agriculture Program students first develop a base knowledge of broad agriculture in Survey of Agriculture including Agribusiness, leadership, food science, plants science, natural resource management, & several other content areas. Students then may choose to dive deeper into Animal Science content or Agriculture Mechanics content & skills. The Animal Science courses focus on production livestock, livestock management skills, & veterinary medicine. Our Agriculture Mechanics courses focus on primarily welding and woodworking with basic instruction in electricity, plumbing, small engines, & surface finishing/refinishing. As part of the Sheridan Agriculture Program, students can become members of the SHS FFA Chapter. We currently have 32 members grades 9-12 who are competing in Career Development Contests, Leadership Development Contests, as well as showing livestock & working through their own individual Supervised Agriculture Experience project outside of the classroom.
almost 3 years ago, Sheridan High School
student with project
student with project