Students learning to paint with scissors like Matisse! #EEIfam #WeWill #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Students creating art
Students creating art
Students creating art
Thank you so much to the SHS Cheerleaders for opening doors this morning for our students! #EEIFam #WeWill #YJNation
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
Pictures of SHS cheerleaders
EEI families: Here are some pictures from the first week of school. #EEIfam #WeWill
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
Collage of first week of school pictures.
EEI teachers are learning and preparing for the best year ever. #EEIfam #YJNation
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Teachers working together
Teachers working together
Teachers working together
EEI has A LOT of jackets in lost and found, so have your student check before school is out. #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI Coats May 2018
Congrats to the 2018-2019 SJHS Volleyball Girls! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
SJHS Volleyball Girls 18.19
​Attention 6th grade parents!!! **Graduation Reminder**​ #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
6th Graduation 2018
Congratulations Mr. Wilson on your retirement! Thank you for your years of service to education!!
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
5th grade is having a blast out at Field Day! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
EEI 5th Grade Field Day
4th grade had UALR grad students visit EEI for science today! AMAZING FUN! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
UALR Science Grads
Field Day for 4th grade was so much fun! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
EEI Field Day 4th Grade Collage
6th grade Field Day was a BLAST yesterday! Can't wait to see what 4th grade does today! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
EEI Field Day Collage
Here's the Field Day schedule for this week. Be sure to send your student with plenty of water! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Field Day Events start May 15
Sheridan High Point Basketball Camp is June 4-6. Be on the lookout for the registration forms coming home with you students! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, Sheridan Schools
May is a BUSY month here @ EEI! Check out what we have going on! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI May 2018 Lunch/Activities
Congrats to Chloe! She won 1st place for EEI's 5th grade Law Day Poster Contest! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
5th Grade Law Day Poster Winner 2018
EEI will celebrate TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK May 7th - 11th! #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
Teacher Appreciation Week 2018
Calling all upcoming 7th, 8th & 9th grade boys who are interested in playing SJHS Basketball! Here are tryout details. #EEIfam
over 6 years ago, East End Intermediate
SJHS Basketball Tryouts 2018
Check out our 6th graders dissecting cow eyes today! #EEIfam
almost 7 years ago, East End Intermediate
Cow Eyes Braden
Cow Eyes Pittenger
Check out our 6th graders dissecting cow eyes today! #EEIfam
almost 7 years ago, East End Intermediate