The first day of school is right around the corner. Tap on the following link to view 10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Returning to School. English: Español:
over 4 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Image of 10 Things
#EEIFam: The final Affirmation Friday Video for 2019-2020 school year!
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
#EEIFam: its time for Affirmation Friday! Click the link for the 5/15 episode.
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
#EEIFam: click the link to view this week's Affirmation Friday Video
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI Fam: Mission Accomplished! Mrs.Potter's and Ms.Jarvis's students met their goals of having a certain amount of students on their Google Meet. Our teachers are working hard to keep in contact with their kids and also making it fun! Great job ladies!
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
pie in face
We want to say a big "Thank You" to all of our EEI Teachers! We love and appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you for all your hard work this year! #YJNationInThisTogether
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
pic of teachers
pics of teachers
pics of teachers
EEI Families: click on the link to view details about student supplies pick-up day on May 7 from 12-6 pm.
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
#EEIFam: 5th grade students click on the link to view a welcome letter from East End Middle School
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
#EEIFam: Here is the link for this week's Affirmation Friday Have a great Weekend
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI Fam: We want to say a special Thank You to our Health Care workers and First Responders! #YJNationInThisTogether
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
thanks health care workers
#EEIFam: Future EEM 6th graders, please work with your parents to select your 2020-21 courses here: If you have any questions, please e-mail our counselor We are excited to meet you!
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI 4th & 5th Grade families click on the link for information about nine weeks grades
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI 3rd grade families click on the link for information about nine weeks grades
over 4 years ago, East End Intermediate
#EEIFam: We love our administrative assistants at EEI. BJ Davis and Amber Terry are the dynamic duo! Thanks for all that you do! #YJNationInThisTogether
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
Amber & BJ
Congratulations to Ms Walters and the EEI 4th grade GT Team for coming in 1st place in the stock market challenge!
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
Use the following link to view this week's Affirmation Friday video!
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
Congratulations to EEI student Jayden Harris for earning a 2nd place overall medal last week at the 3rd/4th grade regional chess tournament! We are super proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of Jaden
EEI students are enjoying the new STEM Lab!
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
EEI Fam: What a GREAT way to end Read Across America Week with a Book Banner Parade to EEE!
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
students in book parade
EEI Families: Congratulations to our 4th grade Quiz Bowl Teams! They placed 2nd and 3rd at the spring tournament. Way to go!
almost 5 years ago, East End Intermediate
2nd place quiz bowl
3rd place quiz bowl