Please help us welcome our new faculty to #YJNation! We are so glad you are here! #BeUnstoppable
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
‪We are proud of Roy Wilson for being named the AR Gifted & Talented Administrator of the year at the AAEA Conference! #aaeamaketodaycount ‬
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
The countdown begins! First day of school is only 2 weeks away! 😀🍎🎉
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Interested in becoming a substitute teacher? Please join us for a workshop on Aug 9, from 9 AM - Noon, at 300 North Rock St in Sheridan.
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
We are honored to have been one of Apptegy's first customers! Congratulations Apptegy on your success! #Arkansasbusinesses
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Teachers Wendy Todd and Lynn Summit presented at the Arkansas Alternative Education Association Conference this week. Dee Creed, their principal, currently serves as the Regional Director for the Southeast Arkansas Region.
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
It's been a great summer, but we can't wait to see you at our Open House Events! See more events:
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Thank you Roof Connect/Platinum Roofing for sponsoring this new billboard recognizing our back-to-back state softball champs!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
We are so proud of our Curriculum Team! Today, they were guest presenters at the International Society for Technology in Eduction (ITSA) Conference and Expo!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Want to get an early start on back-to-school shopping? School supply lists for 2017-18 are on the website.
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Today was Dee Evans' last day at SIS! Congratulations on your retirement Mrs. Evans. We will miss you!!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Sr. Yellowjacket Football got to use the new weight equipment for the first time today! #FinishEmpty #YJNation #BeUstoppable #SHSLife
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Carol Wilson, Laura Morgan, Luke Keen, and Summer Williams presented at Hot Springs Technology Institute today. Teachers from all over the state attended their session about Breakout EDU.
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SHS Jackettes brought home a 3rd place trophy from ASU Dance Camp for their Home Routine! They also brought home the Leadership Award, which was voted on by all staff members and other teams attending camp. Other awards included the Team Full Out Award, numerous superior blue ribbons and the MEGA Spirit Stick! 💙💛
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Congratulations Chance Wallingsford, Tyler Cleveland, and Maggie Hicks for making the All Arkansas All Preps teams!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Our graduates accepted more than $4.5 million in scholarships, not even including the nearly $2 million in Academic Challenge scholarships!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
"Teachers like Chris [Jones] and Jackie have led Arkansas to the forefront of computer science education in the nation. As our reputation spreads, and businesses look more and more to move to Arkansas, we can offer them a well-educated work force." -- Gov. Asa Hutchinson Check out this week's radio column where he talks about our great teacher Chris Jones: #ArKidsCanCode #YJNation
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Sean Fitzgerald and Rachel Smith receive the AR McKenzie award! #Classof2017 #YJNation
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Congrats to these School Board scholarship recipients!
over 7 years ago, Sheridan Schools