SSD Families: REMINDER Even though it is Spring Break, we are still serving Grab-and Go meals for children at the front entrances of Sheridan Elementary School and East End Middle School. Meals can be picked up from 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Dear Class of 2020, First off, we want you to know that we love you! The entire #YJNation is proud of your hard work, accomplishments, and perseverance. Like you, we are disappointed with the way your senior year is coming to a close. We recognize that you will be missing out on many memories due to the school closure, and we feel for you! Many of you have asked about how the school closure will affect prom and graduation. At this time, all we know for certain is that these two events will be postponed. As you are probably aware, we receive new information and guidance regarding COVID-19 from our government every day. We will monitor the situation closely and stay in contact with you as we know more. Be assured that no matter what the future holds, we will celebrate you and all that you mean to #YJNation! Sincerely, Superintendent Jerrod Williams
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Class of 2020 image
SSD Families: REMINDER Please tap on the link below to take a brief technology survey. We are currently exploring options to incorporate more online instruction into our AMI plan; however, we realize not all students are able to complete assignments online. We are surveying all our parents to determine which households need access to internet and/or an electronic device. Parents with more than one child enrolled in Sheridan Schools should complete a survey for EACH STUDENT.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SSD Families: REMINDER Please tap on the link below to take a brief technology survey. We are currently exploring options to incorporate more online instruction into our AMI plan; however, we realize not all students are able to complete assignments online. We are surveying all our parents to determine which households need access to internet and/or an electronic device. Parents with more than one child enrolled in Sheridan Schools should complete a survey for EACH STUDENT.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SSD Families: In a press conference this afternoon, the governor directed all Arkansas schools to remain closed through April 17 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We will provide more information regarding alternative methods of instruction (AMI) to make up for these additional missed days. We'll send that information to you soon. We will continue to provide free Grab-and-Go lunches to children in our community during this closure, including the week of Spring Break. These Grab-and-Go meals will also include a breakfast for the following day.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SSD Families: School districts in Arkansas have been approved for up to ten days of alternative methods of instruction (AMI). Sheridan Schools is making preparations should distance learning become necessary beyond the ten days. We are currently exploring options to incorporate more online instruction into our AMI plan; however, we realize not all students are able to complete assignments online. We are surveying all our parents to determine which households need access to internet and/or an electronic device such as a computer, smartphone, tablet or Chromebook. Parents with more than one child enrolled in Sheridan Schools should complete a survey for EACH STUDENT. Please tap on the link to take the short survey by the end of the day on March 20. After that date, we will begin calling families who did not respond to the electronic survey. It is important we understand the needs of every student.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Congratulations to EEI student Jayden Harris for earning a 2nd place overall medal last week at the 3rd/4th grade regional chess tournament! We are super proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of Jaden
SSD Families: We hope you and your family are doing well. We want you to know that we miss all of our students and will do what we can to meet the needs of our students while we are out of school. Our teachers have already started making calls to check on students and to see if anyone needs help with AMI packets. We understand that not everyone has access to a printer to print off AMI packets. If needed, you can call your school office to arrange a time to pick up your packets or have them mailed to you. Also, please call your school office if your child needs access to the school counselor and/or mental health services.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Free sack lunches are ready for kids today! Lunches will be served from 10:45 am - 12:15 pm at SES and EEM for all kids in our community. We’ll be serving Grab and Go lunches every day this week. This works like a drive thru. Someone will bring the lunches to you, so you don’t have to get out of the car.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Sack lunches
SSD Families: Please tap on the link for details about receiving free meals for children during the school closure:
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SSD Families: We are going to provide free lunches next week for students in our community. We are working out details now but will release more information tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Pre-K Registration has been postponed due to school closure. We will announce the new date soon.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Image that says postponed
SSD Families: The governor has directed the Sheridan School District to close all campuses and cancel all school activities at the end of the school day until March 30 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The closure is due to presumptive cases in Saline and Grant Counties. Students will make up these days using alternative methods of instruction (AMI). We currently have four days of AMI packets available on our website (AMI Days 2 - 5). We will post the additional packets once they are developed. Tap on the link to find AMI packets Day 2 - 5: Please take precautions by following recommendations by the CDC and ADH and limit travel as appropriate. Tap on the following link for more information about the virus:
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Congratulations to our Alternative Learning Academy students and staff! Our ALA program was recognized as a model program at the Alternative Learning Day event at the State Capitol!
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of students at the Capitol
The SHS Ninth grade quiz bowl team won first place in the regional tournament in Pine Bluff on March 6! Go Jackets! Back Row, Left to Right: Alex Davis, John Eckert, Lainey Ray, Grace Dawson Fromt Row, left to right: Grace Herndon, Shoshiana Vang Not pictured - Harlee Fisher
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of quiz bowl team
Sheridan High School will host a career fair for students on Thursday, March 19, from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM. If your business is interested in recruiting at the career fair, contact Wendy Sites at
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Image that says SHERIDAN Career Fair
Coach Bone and the Sheridan School District would like to thank the #YJNation for your support in getting Carly Strong selected as the National Performer of the Week by MileSplit!
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of Carly
Carly Strong has been nominated as the National Performer of the week by MileSplit for her performance at the AR State Indoor Track Meet! Visit the website below to find the Girls National Performer of the Week and vote for Carly.
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Cheer and Mascot tryouts will be March 16-20!
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Picture of cheerleaders
Best of luck to our team competing in the Governor’s All-Region Coding Competition today! #TeamJones #ARkidscancode
almost 5 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Kids on a computer