Four students from the Sheridan School District competed in the Arkansas State Special Olympics Bowling tournament in Little Rock. Bentley Jones and Ava Lammey each received first place medals, Timothy Mashburn received a second place medal, and Baylei Tarvin received a fourth place ribbon. Congratulations to these students! #YJNation
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Congratulations to Jan Caldwell, who serves as vice president on the Sheridan School District Board of Education. She is the recipient of the Pinnacle Award from the Arkansas School Boards Association for attaining over 200 hours of continuing education. She is pictured with Sheridan School Board President Jeff Lisenbey and SSD Superintendent Dr. Karla Neathery. #YJNation
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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If you reside in the Sheridan School District and you have opted to homeschool your child, and he/she has received services through special education with an IEP in the public school setting, please reach out to the Sheridan School District Special Education Office at 870-942-9861, if you would like to discuss the district’s obligations for the provision of equitable services.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
On Monday, Dec. 4, members of the CSforAR team from the Arkansas Department of Education spent the day on the Sheridan High School campus. Students in grades 9-12 participated in a Jeopardy-style Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Event (a CTF event), where they were provided hundreds of challenges that varied by category and complexity. Students were tasked with solving challenges around networking, website development, cryptography, programming, digital forensics, reverse engineering, physical challenges (like building a network cable), and more. This opportunity allows students to persevere and learn by taking what little information is provided to solve problems. #YJNation
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Congratulations to these Yellowjacket football players on a great season! #YJNation #BeADifferenceMaker
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
all state
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second team
Hot Springs has canceled the JV boys game scheduled for tonight at Hot Springs. The varsity girls game between Sheridan and Hot Springs will now begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by varsity boys at approximately 7:15.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
Hamburg has cancelled JV basketball scheduled for Friday night at Hamburg. There will still be a varsity girls game followed by varsity boys. The first game will tip off at 5 p.m.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
Please join us for the Sheridan School District 2023 Holiday Band Concert on December 14 on the McKenzie Hall stage.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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The Sheridan School District's 7th, 8th, and 9th grade Yellowjacket band students competed for placement in the ASBOA Region 3 Junior High All-Region Band against more that 590 students in the region on Saturday. Our students earned 43 placements in the band. These students will perform in the ASBOA Junior High All-Region clinic on December 8-9 at the new White Hall Performing Arts Center. Congratulations to each of these students as well as all who auditioned on an incredible showing!
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Mr. Seaton’s ELA class concentrated on descriptive writing on the first day of December. What were they writing about? Selling a Gingerbread House! Everyone knows that when talking about selling Gingerbread houses, you just have to make one too!
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Congratulations to these Sheridan High School volleyball players on their recent achievements! #YJNation
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Sheridan FFA hosted its first Pack Shack Party in November. The Feed the Funnel Party consisted of 31 Sheridan FFA Members and 78 other SHS students from Student Counsel, JROTC, NHS, FCCLA, and a few other groups. A Feed the Funnel Party consists of participants measuring, weighing, mixing, heat-sealing, and boxing individual non-perishable meals that are shelf-stable for one year. All together, those 109 students packed 40,914 meals in just under 2 hours! The party and all of the meals were paid for by Blue Cross using a Blue and You Grants. The Grant County Fair board graciously loaned the group the Shelby Taylor Exhibit Building to host the party. All 40,914 meals were donated to Grant County food pantries including IBC, Kathy's Closet, First Landmark, the Women's Shelter, and the SHS Backpack Program.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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Sheridan High School recently hosted a Jacket Time assembly for seniors making post-secondary plans. Guest speakers shared guidance and insight about scholarship opportunities, future careers, and other post-graduation ventures. Mayor Cain Nattin presented Superintendent Dr. Karla Neathery with a special proclamation for the American College Application Campaign, designed to increase the number of students who apply to and enroll in certification programs, trade schools, military, and college with a particular focus on first-generation college bound students and students from low-income families. It was a delight seeing some lucky attendees walk away with fantastic door prizes, adding excitement to an already fun and informative event! Special thank you to our sponsors whose support made our event even more special and memorable for these students.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
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The SHS Quiz Bowl Team, coached by Olivia Lewis, competed in the Fall Regional Quiz Bowl Tournament held at Arkansas River Education Service Co-Op yesterday. Sheridan Team A placed second, and Sheridan Team B placed fourth overall. Congratulations to this group for their academic success and for bringing home two trophies!
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
both teams
team A
team B
There are growing student meal negative account balances in the Sheridan School District. The District welcomes people who wish to donate to help eliminate those meal debts for students. Please see the accompanying flyer for details. Contact Amanda Garner at with any questions.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
donation flyer
The public is invited to attend a Christmas Choir Concert on Thursday, Dec. 7 featuring choirs from East End Middle School, Sheridan Middle School and Sheridan High School. The event will be at the SHS McKenzie Hall Auditorium. Doors open at 5:30, and the performance begins at 6 p.m.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
Christmas choir concert
BASEBALL TRYOUTS RE-SCHEDULED Due to unexpected circumstances, Sheridan High School baseball tryouts will begin Tuesday, Nov. 28, instead of today.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
The Sheridan School District wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving!
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
Sheridan senior Robby Walton was presented the scholar-athlete award during this year's Whitehall football game by The Great American Rivalry Series. There is a voting period now until December 8 for the Scholar-Athlete Hall of Fame. Below is a link to vote and support Yellowjacket senior Robby Walton!
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications
Robby Walton
SSD families: This is a reminder that there will be no school for students November 20-24 in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday.
about 1 year ago, SSD Communications