Chad Pitts

The Sheridan School Board voted Monday night to promote Chad Pitts to superintendent of the Sheridan School District. Pitts is currently serving as the district’s assistant superintendent, a position he has held since 2022. He will begin his duties as superintendent starting July 1.

Prior to joining the Sheridan School District, Pitts had served as principal of Benton Junior High School from 2018-2022. He began his career at Benton as a coach and teacher in 2010.  

During his coaching and teaching career, he held positions with the Benton, Glen Rose and Bauxite school districts. In 2016, he began his career in administration when he was named the assistant principal at Benton Junior High School.

Pitts earned his bachelor’s degree from UA-Little Rock and a master’s degree from Arkansas State University. Pitts has also completed his Educational Specialist degree in Education Leadership in Superintendency from Arkansas State University.

Pitts’ wife, Allyson, is the Sheridan School District’s director of School Counseling and the Jacket Health and Wellness Center. They have a daughter, Taylor Ann, and a son, Eli, who are both students in the Sheridan School District.