free and reduced meals graphic

The Sheridan School District urges families who may qualify for the Free and Reduced Meal Program to apply right away.

Families who believe they may qualify based on household income should submit an online application as soon as possible. Information regarding eligibility and other frequently asked questions is available under the “Dining” section on the district’s website: Paper applications are also available at the front office of each school in the district.

The Sheridan School District understands that children need healthy meals to learn. The district offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.50, and lunch costs $2.50 for students who do not qualify for the free/reduced program.

Completing your application can help our district and students in many areas beyond just free or reduced-price meals, including increased state and federal funding for the school.

For assistance or more information, contact Amanda Garner at 400 N. Rock St, Sheridan, AR 72150, or by phone at (870) 942-3135.