SSD Families:
We are so excited to welcome back our students tomorrow, August 24! The theme for the 2020-21 school year is #Make It Count! This past year has served as a great reminder that we should make the most out of each day. We must take every opportunity to teach and learn, and we shouldn't take our time for granted. Although COVID-19 has brought about some changes in school and everyday life that we aren't necessarily thrilled with, let's focus on the positive and find joy in whatever we do.
Our faculty and staff are grateful for the time we have with our students, and we see each day as another opportunity to make a positive impact on our students' lives!
We would love to see your back-to-school pictures fill up social media tomorrow, whether your child is coming back to campus or joining us virtually. Be sure to use the hashtag #MakeItCount!
Below, we have compiled some important information you should know as we begin the school year. Much of it is a review of information we have already sent you over the summer.
COVID-19 Protocols
In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our district we are asking all parents/guardians, of students who will be in attendance onsite, and all employees to notify our designated Points of Contact immediately when the following occurs:
• Someone in the household has tested positive for COVID-19.
• Someone in the household has been identified as a Close Contact to a positive case of COVID-19 and is requiring quarantine and/or recommended to be tested for COVID-19.
• Student attending onsite and employees who are being tested for COVID-19. If symptomatic, student/staff should remain in quarantine pending results of the COVID-19 test.
Please take a moment to view our flow chart regarding the actions we will take if one of our students or staff members tests positive for COVID-19 or is suspected to be positive. This flow chart is based on the requirements and recommendations from the Arkansas Department of Health. View the flow chart HERE.
You can reach our Points of Contact by calling you school's front office or using their email address listed on the flow chart. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Together we can help keep our Sheridan School District family safe, healthy and ready to learn during this school year.
Helpful Links
Reopening Schools Webpage (Includes FAQs, safety precautions, etc.)
School Meal Sign Up Form for Virtual Students
Free and Reduced Meal Application
School Open House Videos/Documents
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Routes
Student Sign In for Canvas Learning Management System (They will sign in using their Google Accounts)
10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Returning to School